Entry Profiles
                                                              Jan 04, 2004 (Ls 339)

    MER pic
    MER pic

    To the left is shown the ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE PROFILE (as a function of altitude) and the +/-- 1 σ uncertainties derived from the acceleration measurements obtained during the SPIRIT Lander's Entry, Descent, and Landing on January 04, 2004. To the right is the profile for the OPPORTUNITY Lander on January 25, 2004. See MER1PROFILES (Opportunity Data) and MER2PROFILES (Spirit Data) data files.

    Useful Mission Documents

    The Data Description document
    This dataset was derived from data collected by Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) on the two Mars Exploration Rovers during their entries into the martian atmosphere.

    Retrieving the Data Volume

    Derived Data

    Raw Data

    Citing Data Sets for Publication CITATION_DESC = TBD

    Key Reference: Withers, P., Smith, M., Atmospheric entry profiles from the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity. Icarus, Volume 185, Issue 1, p. 133-142, 2006.