Welcome to the Cassini Archive Page
New Pages: How to obtain Cassini data? contains a short tutorial for finding what a scientist might want. Locating the Data contains a short tutorial on using the PDS Search capability.
Cassini calibration information for all instruments is organized here
Cassini data are due to the PDS 9-12 months after acquisition, delivered every three months. PDS must still validate those data before they are considered archived. This may result in a delay between the time that Cassini delivers data and the time when PDS makes the data available. Alternately, PDS may choose to put data online while they are being validated. PDS urges caution when using any data that have been released to PDS for less than three months. Also be aware that many links below may not yet be operational or may lead to incorrect web sites until the data have been delivered and validated.
The Cassini Orbiter has been in orbit around Saturn since 1 July 2004 and these are instruments it carries:
CAPS - Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
CDA - Cosmic Dust Analyzer
CIRS - Composite Infrared Spectrometer
INMS - Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
ISS - Imaging Science Subsystem
MAG - Magnetometer
MIMI - Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument
RADAR - a Radar instrument
RPWS - Radio and Plasme Wave Spectrometer
RSS - Radio Science Subsystem
UVIS - Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph
VIMS - Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
SPICE - Navigation and Pointing information

More information can be found on the Cassini web site at JPL.
The Atmospheres Node is the PDS lead archiving node for Cassini and is responsible for archiving CIRS, UVIS, and RSS data.
Follow the instrument links above to find Cassini data products online. Cassini deliveries are due every three months beginning on 1 July 2005. See each instrument's page for release details.
Data from the Cassini mission are also available through PDS-D, the Planetary Data System online distribution service.
Subscribe to the PDS Subscription Service to be informed of new data releases.
To be completed.